Holy Healing
Holy Baptism
Heaven's Blessing
Rafaela is an angel capable of miraculously healing anything. It is said that when she appears, all pain suddenly vanishes, all wounds instantly heal, and all evil disperses like rain clouds when the sun comes out. Now Rafaela has descended upon the Land of Dawn in the hopes of using her miraculous powers to restore peace to the land.
ses the power of Holy Light to deal 250/290/330/370/410/450 magic damage to the nearest three enemies, revealing the enemies in a short period of time.
Summons Holy Light to regen 370/410/450/490/530/570 HP for herself and the most injured ally near her, and also regens 90/100/110/120/130/140 HP for other allied heroes.
Uses Holy Light to punish enemies before her, dealing 460/560/660 pts of magic damage and stunning targets for 1.5/1.5/1.5s.